I didn't start learning my second language to get a job, but it ended up helping me get a job anyway.

I switched jobs recently and my now current boss was impressed that I could use another language. It's not necessary for my job, but it definitely helps a lot since it could mean not having to contract out a translator when the need arises.

I'm still learning of course, but in the beginning, my routine involved plenty of book study, vocab review, speaking slowly using conversation cards, listening to speakers use it with me slowly. One of the most crucial parts was enrolling in a class where the language was used 100%. This subreddit hates classes, but it helped me since I had to get used to hearing what was spoken to me and we had to communicate with each other in that language.

As I became better, I could have complete conversations with my friends in that language, I switched to one on one lessons on italki, I felt comfortable using a community tutor on italki that only knew my target language, I began reading books, consuming media, and watching youtube videos. I also only used grammar books and anki when I needed to use them since they began to feel like a chore. At my level, I just need to gain more experience using the language and being corrected rather than looking exercises.

Throughout my journey, I have communicated through writing with friends in my language so that was a constant throughout the entire process.

Improving hasn't felt like a chore though since those immersion pieces are naturally included in my daily life and I do things in my language that I would already do with my first language.

So keep up the language learning since I know it's what everyone here is passionate about! Who knows what might happen or where life might lead you. I know most of us aren't doing for a job(and there's nothing wrong if that's your motivation), but you could also end up landing your dream gig where you get to use it during your work hours.

submitted by /u/Matrim_WoT
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