Becoming frustrated with Croatian, not sure what to do?

I'm finding myself increasingly frustrated with Croatian for a whole raft of reasons:

  • the biggest one is that my comprehension level seems to be all over the place. I can go from dealing with fairly 'simple' language grammar- and vocabulary wise and not understanding a thing at all to being able to understand fairly complex long pieces of the language. It's a bit much when I know the Croatian word for bullet but can't remember how to say 'socks', or can read several pages of Igra Prijestolja (Croatian Game of Thrones) when a simple kids video is gibberish to me.

  • adding to the first point, I'm nowhere near any native speakers and adding some level of daily immersion in the language is near impossible. I've tried too- I've got a whole library of Croatian film and music, I can access a whole bunch of radio and TV stations, there's a newspaper app on my phone which allows me to read major Croatian news sites, I've got some Croatian books...I've really tried everything I can think of.

  • I really don't like the way my books are teaching me/taught me the language. My first one was the TY book which I didn't like due to the whole 'storyline' thing it had running through it which I thought was pointless and didn't add anything, and the progression of the course seemed a little odd when I learnt some really oddly specific work vocabulary before I learnt the names of clothes or something I'd consider basic like rooms in a house or items of furniture.

    I then moved onto the Hrvatski Za Početnike/Razgovorajte S Nama series. I didn't have any problems as such with the first book but the Razgovorajte S Nama series is seriously putting me off because most of the topics covered aren't really what I'd call particularly essential. I was hoping for a comprehensive series which would teach me what I term 'daily language', stuff I can actually use and not topics like gender relations. Problem is, I've yet to find any amount of decent alternative resources.

  • another issue I've got is my reason for learning it in the first place. I initially learnt a bit of the language to help me understand some resources I was using on the Yugoslavian conflict of the 90s, then I moved into an overall general interest in Balkan politics. However given the relative ease of reading sources and material in English/French (my native language and second language) it almost feels a little pointless to learn another language simply to read/listen to some stuff. I just don't feel I've got a 'good' reason to learn Croatian, especially when my only other reason for learning it (because I'd looked at trying to get good at this annoying language and then get ESL work in the Balkans) seems so damn unlikely to happen.

I just feel like I'm putting a lot of effort into this and I've got nothing to show for it. Help me out please?

submitted by /u/ESLTeacher2112
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