Strategy to learn French

I came up with this strategy to learn French. If I listen to French speaking media, I won't understand it and will probably give up. I decided to watch English language videos subtitled in French so I connect the English phrase or word to the French text then I learn how it's pronounced later. I've been watching the Angry Video Game Nerd VOSTFR and have picked up Pourquoi pas for Why not, abeille for bee, jeu for game, Or for gold, and a few others (also that putain which means whore or bitch is used a lot, mostly where we would use the word fucking). Of course, I continue to learn verbs and what not outside of this method but this method allows me to understand everything that's going on instead of French dialogue I can't understand with subtitles. Now, I can read the subtitles and pronounce the words and I can connect French words I can't understand with English words I do.

submitted by /u/omnipotentsandwich
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from Yá'át'ééh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
