im not fluent in english nor spanish(my mother language)

i spent like 20 mins trying to explain why im not fluent in my own mother language and my second language. long story short, i came to USA when i was 10, obviously a 10 yo has a very limited language skill. i also enrolled in a really bad bilingual school when i got here that didnt focused much on either languages. but most importantly the reason why my spanish suffered was because in my teens i got really depressed and developed social anxiety and till this day ive been dealing with SA, a mental condition that makes you nervous to socialize. i guess me being cooped up in my room for many years without speaking unless there was a necessity made me forget how to speak even in spanish. im not interested in brushing up my spanish, im more concern with my english. i want to be able to at least have a conversational english where i can talk fluently without any grammatical errors and whatnot. perhaps be able to speak at a level a 10 or 12 year old english native kid would speak; maybe not so sophisticated but good enough to say whatever thought comes across my mind.

to give you an idea it took me about 10 min to write this post, but if i were to write it in spanish i wouldnt even now how to begin even tho i speak better spanish.

what should i do to improve this? ive tried reading but i always forget certain words and sentence structure when its time for me to write or speak

submitted by /u/jimtikmars
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from Yá'át'ééh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
