I have 10 days to decide whether to start learning Spanish! HELP!

My company is offering me a free Spanish course through an online university in the US. I'd get around 90 hours of learning over a few months. I have 10 days to decide to take it or not before the deadline ends.

Here are my 2 hesitations...

I just learned French. I'd say I'm a solid B2 in French, and can quite easily converse with someone and can always get my point across. The only problem I have in French is that I find it hard to listen without context... like on a phone call I'm not actively involved in, I tend to get lost, especially with strong accents.

I'm worried that I will get my French and Spanish confused.

I also am currently learning German. I just finished the "Lingoda German Marathon", and am at about a mid-A2 level.

I don't want to ruin my progress in German, or confuse my French, but the free classes would be incredible! I also live in CA so I'd get a lot of immersion (Mexicans).

Thanks all!

submitted by /u/Brek_Shea
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