German, Japanese, or Latin for school requirement?

Hello, I know this question is already in the FAQ but I was wondering if anyone could give me more specific language learning advice about choosing a language? I'm transferring to a university with a 2-year language learning requirement and I am trying to choose among German, Japanese, and Latin.

My language related background: Fluent in English, barely conversational Mandarin (my immediate family speaks it), used to be fluent in Dutch as a child but have completely forgotten it.

In high school I took 1 year of Latin and 3 years of Spanish, including AP Spanish Language. Also took 2 years of Spanish in junior high but don't really use it very often. In my first college I took another semester of introductory Latin. Currently, I'm using Duolingo for both Japanese and German.

I feel like Japanese and German would be more practical since I would be able to converse in either one (Japanese since I like their anime and music and would love to visit again, German because I love to read and would like to read some German literature in the original. I have also enjoyed some German movies.)

However, I think I have the most interest in Latin and am a big fan of learning about Roman history. Please tell me which language you think would be best for me.

submitted by /u/sylphiae
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