Apparently you can learn to understand a language by reading alone

I had a little chat with my German teacher today. I asked her if it was okay to simply read a lot of stuff in German and learn that way. Turns out, inputting a lot of English content daily without even translating is exactly what she did to learn English, and she speaks at a native level. She said it took her a year to get to a level where she could understand almost anything that she read, starting with simple texts, and moving on to more advanced stuff and watching American movies.

What do you think about this? Is the idea of not using any resource besides the language itself uncomfortable to you? Have any of you learned a language this way? Does using language learning tools help you advance to such a good level in less than a year?

submitted by /u/Lite3000
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from Yá'át'ééh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
