Sign language (Swedish and English)

I’m not 100% sure if this is the right sub or nah but I’m gonna ask here and hope for the best.

I work a lot with kids. And recently we just got one girl who can’t speak. She can hear and understand but she can’t speak, so she speaks in sign language. It’s very frustrating for me, and probably for her as well, that I can’t understand all too much of what she’s trying to say. So I’d like to learn at least some basic sign language.

I don’t really know anything about sign language. So for now I’m watching videos on YouTube when I’ve got time, and when her parents come to pick her up, I ask about some of the more common signs she makes. She’s only gonna be in my care for a week or two, but I’m pretty sure more kids speaking in sign language will come, so I’d really like to learn it. The kids I work with are all from different countries though, and to my understanding the sign language is different in every country. For now I’m trying to learn some basic Swedish sign language and in the future I’d like to learn some English as well.

But learning sign language is different from learning other languages I assume. Right now all I’m doing is watching videos and repeat what they’re doing, but is there any other ways I can learn it/help with understanding it? Also, would it be best to learn both English and Swedish at the same time, or start with Swedish and then later on add in English? And any additional advice you have would be greatly appreciated! Anything you can teach me, I’d love to learn it! Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/Lego_99
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via Learn Online English Speaking
