My confidence has been shattered :(

I'm learning English so I have been talking to a person whose native language is English and who is learning Spanish (my native language).

We've been sending texts to each other for a couple of weeks and while we have sent each other audio messages, they have always been in Spanish.

Today, after mustering the courage, I decided to send my first audio in English. This was the first time I have ever spoken English to a native. And his reply was: You have an accent and I can't understand you, can you transcribe what you said?

LOL. I want to die. I didn't even send my first attempt, I practiced what I wanted to say over 20 times. Now I don't want to speak English ever again. Has anyone had this happened? How can I gain confidence again? How can I get rid of my accent? T__T

I am just so sad right now. And by the way, the other person didn't say that in a rude manner or anything, I don't want to come off as if I'm angry at my language partner for not understanding me, I am just angry at myself and I'd like some tips from other language learners ;___;

submitted by /u/SuspiciousEyebrow
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via Learn Online English Speaking
