Learning Korean, whilst living in... Malaysia! Best way to learn a language?

I tried the whole learning a language that will be useful and it worked for a while I was almost at the point I could hold conversational Spanish. But after a year and a half, and realising I wasn’t ever going to Spain and while it might be the second most popular language it isn’t actually that useful and thus my enthusiasm died...

I’ve decided in my determination to learn a new language that this time I’d do it purely for fun and for me and that way it doesn’t hinge on some abstract importance.

I’ve always wanted to learn a language that has a different alphabet and Korean just looks fun. There are also a lot of Koreans in Penang. So it’s not totally random and I’ll be going on a few holidays there.

What advice do you have? I want to learn it properly and I’m looking on advice were to start.

I like duolingo put its not quite as effective with korean as it was Spanish... same with my flash card approach due to there being so many sounds I need to learn first.

I could probably find a tutor but no idea how to go about that and I’d rather do a course or by myself if possible.

If anyone happens to be from Penang and or Korean any extra advice is also welcome!

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/Ikhlas37
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