I've decided to pool all my resources into learning Spanish - I'm not exactly happy about it

So basically as the title says I'm going to try to full steam ahead focus on Spanish - mostly for the supposed job benefits as I need all the help in that department I can get right now. I am going to be sacrificing some of my progress in German and Japanese in order to try to master Spanish to a good enough level to help me in the future.

But wow my mind has just always traditionally shut itself off from learning Spanish. I've never liked how overpushed it was, and for mostly mechanical reasons like how many people speak it and how "useful" it is.

Also Spanish being so common is kind of a turnoff as well. If languages were sandwiches - English would be the PB and Spanish would be the J of a bland PBJ sandwich, while my other languages like German and Japanese are like fancy 5-star steak sandwiches - there's just so much more "flavor" and uniqueness it seems to them!

Anyone else kind of feel this way?

submitted by /u/Snesgamer83
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