How to NEVER run out of things to say in a conversation

Hey all!

TLDR: Improve language skills through content that YOU find interesting

From personal experience, I find that the easiest way to learn a new language is to watch videos/movies/tv shows in that specific language- while keeping English subtitles rolling below to help you understand the content. This is especially effective if the video is about something that you are genuinely interested in.

For example, for those of you who want to improve their social skills, charisma, confidence when talking with people ... here is a YouTube video on "how to never run out of things to say in a conversation": It's 4 minutes of your time for a lifetime of #nomoreawkwardsilences ;)

It's spoken in Mandarin Chinese, but I included both English (and Chinese Simplified) subtitles in it- and for those of you who don't know how to turn on subtitles, you simply click the settings button at the bottom right of the video bar (looks like a gear) --> Subtitles/CC --> English.

It should be an interesting watch- let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/Artofcharisma
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from Cześć | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
