How do you memorize words?

I'm learning Swahili and it's the first time that I'm teaching myself a language. I'm realizing that I'm going to have to memorize a ton of words and I don't know how to go about this. In my book, I'm coming across pages like this (forgive the poor quality image), where there are tons of words I'd like to memorize in a day and I don't know what approach to take.

I started making up a song/ rap with all these words, since I tend to have a musical memory but it's taking me a long time to do that and I'm not sure if it's practical given how many words I need to learn. Should I make anki decks and keep reviewing them until I memorize some of them? Should I make cards on memrise with photos/clues to help me remember? Are there apps, tools or other ideas on how I can make something stick in my memory. Should I just keep rewriting these words by hand or repeating them out loud? I know different folks use different approaches but I'd like to hear what works for you. If you consider yourself to have a bad memory like I do, what's been effective?

By the way, I know it's important to immerse yourself in a language, watch films, listen to music, converse, etc and I'm doing all this already - but I'm definitely struggling to remember words and verbs that I should know given how often I've repeated them to myself. They just don't seem to stick.

submitted by /u/itsmejacky
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