How do you keep the menial parts of learning a language fun?

What I've realized about myself is that I'm absolutely terrible at forcing myself to sit down and just do stuff when there isn't something likes school standing over me if I don't enjoy what I'm doing.

I like programming because you're constantly having to do very stimulating mini-problems and the feeling of accomplishment is always really nice. I also love speaking a language I'm trying to learn and trying to understand another person speaking it to me for much the same reason. It's constant problems, it's always novel, and ultimately speaking is really just vehicle that you do even more interesting things in.

The issue of course is that I can't be speaking a language I'm trying to learn constantly, and sometimes the most efficient way of learning a certain thing about the language is to something extremely menial and dull (like anki flash cards. They work wonders but I fucking hate sitting at the computer for an hour and just typing stuff into a search bar, copying and pasting etc.) and generally when something is that boring I struggle to keep doing it day-to-day.

Now, I have done things like Duo Lingo which, even though I honestly think it's kind of boring, I could actually make myself do lessons semi-often from start to finish. The fact that everything is packaged into finite-length lessons that you know you've completed (mostly) correctly gives me a bit of a dopamine hit whenever I finish a section.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to make the less structured things like Anki more like duolingo (or really just fun in general so I want to keep doing it) but I haven't really gotten anywhere yet. Does anyone have any ideas?

submitted by /u/pcoppi
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from Cześć | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
