Getting to Spanish B1.2/ B2.1 level in a year of self-study?

Hey, all! I'll be learning Chinese intensively this upcoming year, but I also want to start teaching myself Spanish. I'm from the USA, so I'm surrounded by Spanish no matter where I go. Furthermore, there's tons of Spanish-language media that I do like on Netflix. Basically, in the USA there's a ton of resources online and so on.

I may want to do a masters degree in romance linguistics and I am a C1 level in French and went to Catholic school so I've also had some exposure to Latin. My level of Spanish is basically nothing. That being said, reading Spanish isn't much of an issue. I can get the gist of what's being said. However, when it is spoken I can pick out a few words here or there and that's all.

Do you all think it's feasible to get to a B1.2 or a B2.1 level in a year with self-study? What would you all suggest as resources?

*Please no Duolingo. It's not really helpful for me, unfortunately. I need a little more instruction than what's available with that.

Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/kokomarro
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