****EMERGENCY ****I really really really want to learn how to speak spanish!

Idk where to begin but here it goes. So first of all I want to say that I'm Hispanic and was born in America. My parents didn't really put in the effort to teach me Spanish and we mostly talk in English. Anyways idk if u guys will understand me when I tell you that I understand Spanish completely, but I cannot speak it. Ok so maybe I'm exaggerating when I say can't speak Spanish because I can but when I do I say words in the wrong tense, sound choppy, and even make up words that I think is Spanish. In addition to this when I'm talking to someone I'm always struggling to remember words( it's like I forget all my vocabulary ). This limits me when I speak which is why I mostly talk in spanglish. It's weird bc I can watch novelas, listen to Spanish radio stations and understand conversations with no problem but when I speak Spanish it seems like all my vocabulary disappears . I kinda feel like it's a mental block or something. Any thoughts?

So the reason why all of a sudden I want to fix this problem is because my goal is to become a doctor and being in Texas, I know I will come across patients that only speak spanish. I know that it would be more advantageous if i were bilingual. I don't be held back for this and I feel so pathetic that I'm Hispanic and I can't even speak spanish well. My parents say I sound like a "gringa"....So I came here to ask for any advice or solutions to fix this problem.

1.Is there like a class like for people who are Hispanic and understand but dont speak it?

2.Are the websites where I can speak with people who are also learning Spanish?

3.Should I get a private tutor?

4.My goal is to be able to speak fluently in 3 years...is that possible?

  1. Basically what I'm asking in all these questions is what should i do?!?!

****I should mention that I'm 17 and im going to be a college freshman in the fall. I was thinking about maybe doing a minor in Spanish but I don't want that to have a negative effect on my GPA ( since I know I will make mistakes). Also idk if this helps u to know what level im at but I got a 4 on the AP Spanish exam.

submitted by /u/mdpuente77
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