Hi! Just a quick post to tell you all that you should TOTALLY subscribe to Babbel. I think that all of you heard about this app, which is one of the most used, very convenient, better than Duolingo (is that possible? Yes) BUT it is not free. And why isn't it? Because the teaching is ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. You really should give it a try. It costs 13€ for a month (so not worth it) but 25 for 3 months and 35 for 6 months. 3 months sounds great because it's not too expensive and it lets you time to get used to it (and even to become addict!!). I've been studying Russian for 2 years so the begginer's courses are a bit easy BUT it allows you to make sure that you know the basics. You can choose your level and even to start a language it's amazing. So far it has been a great help.

If you have money to spend on things that you don't really need such as a 6th jacket or another pair of sneakers, you have money to spend in this app and it will be very useful and keep your mind busy when you need to.

Give it a try! There is a free mode to start and see whether you like it or not.

submitted by /u/jbwadlow
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from кирип моорлаңар | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
