Do you use/ like ClozeMaster? If so, how do you use it/ what do you like about it?

Hey there, I recently started using ClozeMaster because a couple of friends think it's helpful for them, and I am enjoying using it so far. Although, I'm not 100% sure on how to use it effectively; right now I'm doing English - Spanish in which I do a few rounds of the fluency fast track while writing down and colour coding sentences which interest me/ contain words I want to study while also doing this for the grammar challenges. I also have been using it to try and improve my reading through the cloze deletion texts that are available on the website and writing down the words I don't know/ would like to know.

I'm not sure if I'm using it effectively and would love some input from others with their own experiences and methods of studying with ClozeMaster/ similar services.

submitted by /u/LTPfiredemon
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from வணக்கம் | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
