Any experience learning two languages at once?

I am trying to learn Japanese, and German. I'm doing this mostly for fun, but I would like to speak both of them fluently one day. I already know some Japanese, know all of the hiragana, katakana(Japanese basic alphabet.), and know some Kanji(Japanese symbols.), not a lot.

I stopped learning Japanese, and started focusing on German. I am just starting in German, but I have gotten more comfortable with the structure. Even though German is more important to learn, I really miss learning Japanese. Japanese is such a fun language to me.

I made some flashcards with a Japanese word on one side, and the German translation on the other. It was a challenge, but I got it. When I started to do the same thing for full sentence, my head started to spin on it's axis(Joke, get it?). I even got a headache afterwards, I'm sure I strained my brain. Thinking about anything suddenly became challenging, and had to go to bed, thankfully, it was getting late anyways. The grammer, writing, everything about the two languages are just so different. At least I don't get the two languages mixed very often (I heard a lot of people have that problem when they try learning two languages at once.).

I just started learning both languages at once, I've only been at it for one day, so I don't want to just give up.

Does anybody have any advice?

submitted by /u/FemaleEvilScientist
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