What should I be focusing on while speaking with a native speaker ?

I am learning Ukrainian, and my SO is from Ukraine so he is a native speaker. We try to practice everyday now. I'm just not sure what to focus on.

Primarily I try to use topics that I've seen in Duolingo so I have a bit of vocabulary fresh in my mind.

He usually will speak only Ukrainian (but very slowly using simple words) and if I don't understand a word then he explains it using other words or sentences but still in Ukrainian.

I was just wondering what's the best way to get the most out of this kind of practice? I do have to google translate words as we talk, but is that not a good idea? Should I be focusing on only using words I know / can think of in the moment?

Should it be more of a question/answer session or just trying to have a regular conversation?

Should I primarily be having him correct my pronunciation, or maybe even solely practicing pronunciation sometimes and not as much just regular conversations ?

Just want to make the most out of these practice sessions :)

submitted by /u/Cocoleia
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