Discussion: You can't teach someone to a C2 level

Just wanted to get a discussion going. I'm not trying to be provocative or trolling...

I have a personal opinion that books and formal study can pretty easily / quickly get someone to a B2 level in most languages. (Quick and easy are relative, but I'm thinking 30 - 90 minutes per day for 1 - 3 years, but that's besides the point.)

Once you get a solid, true B2 level, where you can read, write, speak and comprehend, getting to a C2 level is possible, but highly inefficient through formalized study and / or teaching materials.

On the flip side, my opinion is that once you get to a solid B2 level as described above, the most efficient way to achieve C2 is through regular interaction and use of the target language, among native speakers and with native materials.

This is based on watching my own parents learn English, learning various other languages myself, watching my wife learn English and watching my kids (ages 1 - 15) learn a variety of different languages.

Just curious what others think.

submitted by /u/Aslanovich1864
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