Do you know of any flashcard patterns where I can improve my vocabulary?

of the ones I know there are these:

normal flashcards

  • one side: word. Other side: word (vice versa)
  • one side: image or sound. Other side: word
  • questions involving: what, how, in what way, what does it mean, where is it used
  • definition on one side, word on the other (and vice versa).
  • synonyms or antonyms of a word
  • sound and pronunciation of a word, along with the phonetic alphabet
  • etymology, origin and what each morpheme means. for example "over+whelm"
  • grammatical category of the word. Is it used as a noun, verb, adjective?
  • grammatical variation of the word, can it be transformed into an adjective or adverb?
  • differences in usage. for example, when to use "on" "in" and "at"

best made flashcards

  • cloze, for example: "the umbrella protects me from [...]"
  • when the term is used and when it is not used

Can you help me suggest other ways to make flashcards that are different from this one? I feel like using these patterns too much can get tiresome. Let's help each other and improve our vocabulary with different perspectives.

submitted by /u/designygued3s
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