How do I find a way to be able to speak in a foreign language for the majority of the day?

I'm from the US and obviously most of the country speaks only English and I live in Indiana so I've talked to less than probably 20 people in Spanish irl in two years of learning it. Since I got into learning languages three years ago, I've really dreamed of being able to speak in a foreign language all day and being able to go wherever I want and have people respond in a language other than English.

It seems like it's next to impossible to do this outside of studying abroad though. I'm planning to study abroad but that will only last for so long before I'm stuck here again and have to go online in order to speak in another language.

I could move near the Mexican border but I hate the heat and it could be hard to find a job anywhere besides San Diego (too expensive) and El Paso (dangerous from what I've heard). I feel like I'll never be able to live somewhere that the default language isn't English besides when I study abroad which makes me very sad.

submitted by /u/joshua0005
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
