Help! I Can Read Russian, but Speaking Feels Like Magic Disappearing Acts! Any Tips?

Hey, guys!

So here’s my situation: I’ve spent four years studying Russian Language and Literature for my bachelor’s degree, and now I’m doing my master’s in philology at Southern Federal University. My academic Russian? It’s good—not mind-blowing, but it gets the job done. The catch? I’m still in Egypt and haven’t made the move to Russia yet.

Here’s the thing, though... when it comes to speaking, it’s like my brain pulls a disappearing act! All the grammar and words I know just vanish the moment I try to talk. I can read and understand Russian pretty well, but when it’s time to actually speak? Poof! Nothing.

Has anyone else been through this? How did you overcome it? I’d love to hear any tricks or tips to improve my speaking skills and feel more confident when talking. Anything that worked for you would be a lifesaver!

Thanks in advance, and I’m looking forward to your advice!

submitted by /u/IbrahimSaber
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
