Do you ever notice difficulty word-finding in your L1 after immersion in your L2?

Something interesting happened to me recently. I am a native English speaker and Spanish is my second/third language (it’s complicated), I would say I’m at a low intermediate level for speaking and high intermediate for comprehension (listening and reading). I went to Colombia recently and went to a museum where nearly everything was in Spanish. So I had to read and understand everything in Spanish, then translate to English for my partner. The translating itself wasn’t difficult. I would often try to share with him my prior knowledge on the topic, further explaining what we were reading. During this, I noticed it was very hard for me to find certain words in English - words that are not obscure but not everyday words for me. It was only 2-3 hours so a very brief immersion.

I suppose it was because my brain briefly was thinking in Spanish and thus it took time to fully “work” again in English? Has anyone experienced this?

submitted by /u/polar_pumpkin
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
