What languages would be best for me to focus on, and which should I avoid with my speech difficulties? (full explanation in body text)

hi, all. firstly, i'm autistic and rather new to taking language learning seriously, so please if you're going to explain a sound give a word example alongside it so i know what it means, and if my explanation of a sound doesn't make sense please let me know and i'll do my best to explain with the language i have. for context, i'm a native english speaker but half of my family are native spanish speakers from mexico. my grasp on spanish is juvenile at best, though i've been trying to learn for basically my whole life.

i've always liked the idea of learning more than the "standard" foreign languages here (america, and a pretty conservative part of it at that so even though spanish, farsi, and arabic are spoken here you'll get looks) but i've had some speech issues my whole life that have made me nervous to try. for example, i can't roll my r's (a spanish rr is what i've always tried for, but i can't get the sound to come forward and it tends to just sound like i'm gargling with my tongue on the roof of my mouth, which might not even be what i'm supposed to do with my tongue when i try but it comes naturally to the people i ask and they can't really explain it to me) to the point my spanish speaking family has mocked me for it since i was a kid. i also have a hard time with certain s sounds or blends with s in them. most of the time it sounds a bit whistley, but for example i couldn't pronounce the word "asks" until my teens, and i have to say it slowly.

i was in speech therapy for years, but really only improved on my s sounds as the therapist saw no point in correcting the rr as i lived with my english speaking parent and therefore spoke english almost exclusively at home. but i don't want to use my difficulty with speech as an excuse to not branch out, and while i definitely will still stick to trying to learn spanish, i was wondering if there were any languages with a good amount of resources i can find that might be easier for me? or on the flip side if there are any i would have an absolute terrible time trying to speak properly that i should maybe avoid until i'm able to improve these problems

submitted by /u/mcrmademegay
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