Is My Language Learning Routine Effective? Looking for Advice

Hey everyone

I've been living in Isr%el-P%lestine for 4 months now, and as you can imagine, I'm surrounded by Hebrew every day. My native language is Russian, and I've been learning Hebrew for about a year.

When I first started, I had a Russian friend who gave me the basics—just one lesson a week for two months, but it was enough to get me reading, writing, saying basic phrases, and understanding simple grammar. I also took a free 3-month spoken Hebrew course (2 hours a week), which helped me build up basic vocabulary and start speaking a little. Most of my learning for that year was through Duolingo, which got me to about an A1 level.

Now that I'm here in Isr%el-P%lestine, I’m much more motivated to learn because I really want to communicate with my native friends, who mostly speak Hebrew. Plus, it's tough living in a country without knowing the language. So, about three weeks ago, I decided to step up my game, and here’s what I’ve been doing:

My New Routine: - I dropped Duolingo. - I make and study flashcards (I started with 20 new words a day, but now I do 5-10 because that’s more sustainable). Cards have examples of sentences and Google audio. - I read 1-2 mini-stories a day in LingQ. - I read Harry Potter in Hebrew with audiobook in the background every day in LingQ. I know it’s challenging for my level, but it brings me joy, and I’ve noticed I’m looking up fewer words over time, which keeps me motivated. - 1-2 times a week, I write a diary entry. I correct it with ChatGPT first and then have a native-speaking friend make it sound more natural. - Instead of grammar exercises, I read a book that covers all the rules of modern Hebrew. It’s well-structured, so I can follow along and try to remember examples from what I’ve read on LingQ. - Often, my friends speak to me in Hebrew, and I reply in English or in my poor Hebrew. - I get a lot of exposure through things like reading Instagram stories from my Hebrew-speaking friends, small talks here and there, listening to my friends’ conversations (I usually get the main ideap), watching TV shows with them with Hebrew subtitles (I miss the jokes and sometimes the main point), watching movies dubbed in Hebrew (like Harry Potter, Shrek—pretty tough), listening to a lot of Hebrew music, and reading the lyrics if I really like the song.

What I Need Help With: I really want to get to a level where I can have normal conversations. Am I doing everything right, or is there something I should change or add to my routine?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

submitted by /u/PomegranateNo8917
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