Should I feel offended by partner’s mother’s constant use of Spanish despite English fluency?

I’m just curious here, and perhaps seeking some form of validation for my feelings.

My partner is Puerto Rican, and she and her mother speak English and Spanish fluently. While I’ve been using Duolingo for a couple years now and can pick up a decent amount of Spanish, her mom almost exclusively speaks in Spanish when it’s just the three of us despite her being highly fluent in English, even working a English speaking job. Essentially, she only speaks English around us when speaking directly to me. We’re on a trip at her house right now, and with so many days living like this, it’s just got me feeling invisible, and I sometimes feel like the frustration leaks into my interactions with her. My partner often even responds to her in English because she can pick up how I feel, but mom doesn’t switch it up. She’s otherwise courteous, insisting on paying for practically every meal among other things, but I still can’t help but feel disrespected.

So basically, am I the asshole for feeling offended, or should I just accept that that’s her love language with her daughter? Jw what y’all think.

submitted by /u/Careless_Motor_6053
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via Learn Online English Speaking
