ANKI Learning Process / Personal Journey (Part 2)

ANKI Learning Process / Personal Journey (Part 2)

Link to my previous post at 80 hours of study:

Target language: French
Fluency Goal: 90% in Listening and Reading sections of A-Level Exam.
Method: Entirely through ANKI - Goal is to create a comprehensive deck for others to use (and myself for new target languages) that takes them from 0 to B2 all within ANKI.
Journal Updates and Mock Testing: Every 20 hours of study, just completed 100-hour checkpoint.
Current rate of learning: Expect to get to 280 hours by the anniversary mark of starting. Approaching 6 months.

Previously Marked Goals for this 20-hour Period:

  1. Expand tenses to 2 more verbs.
  2. Complete audio-only cards up to the number of sentences I have.
  3. Expand to 3-4 more tenses for the 4 main verbs.
  4. Create gender cards for adjectives
  5. Big expansion of vocabulary (creating audio-only cards as I go along going forward).
  6. Replace all Google-translate audio to the much better quality TTS
  7. Continue adding grammar rules where necessary.

Actual Progress

  1. Expanded to a few more verbs passed the main 4. This was mainly to replace old sentences and make the deck cleaner.
  2. Added lots more but still have about 100 to go
  3. Didn't do this - I wanted to feel more secure in the 2 new tenses before doing the other 2 that are similar.
  4. Added a lot of these. The plan is to only add irregular ones as independent cards and 10 example cases for each type of regular one.
  5. Added some but nowhere near as many additions as I hoped.
  6. Check.
  7. Check.

How I Felt the Period Went

This period felt a little strange because on the one hand I felt pretty good about the process, but on the other hand I went into the test with less confidence of improving the test score compared to previous periods. That mainly came down to nowhere near as much new content added. I spent a lot of time on the audio only cards, which was the same content with just more listening focus. I added tenses, which does help with reading quite a bit, but isn't likely to give me too much extra information to answer questions. Finally, and probably most importantly, I had more days where my study time was less than 1 hour. That's not a big issue overall, but it did mean I often missed the last 15-minute where new cards are learned. So half this period I was treading water, getting better at the information I knew, but not expanding on it.

Updated Result Graph

Test Results

Last time I got 60% on the oral comprehension section. This time I got 60% again.
Last time I got 71% on the reading section. This time I got 83%.

Thoughts on Results

The tests showed I was kind of right. Everything was easier and quicker (especially reading where I went from not finishing to having 10 minutes spare), but the lack of required vocab meant I still couldn't answer questions any better. Listening still has some fluency issues where I have a bit of a delayed translation in my head, but that will go down the more I practice the audio only cards (still nice improvement, though).

New 20-hour Goals

  1. The big thing this period will be VOCAB. It was the obvious limiting factor. Adding lots of new sentences.
  2. Continue to catch up audio only cards and then keep up with the new sentences.
  3. Add 2 tenses for the 4 key verbs

Keeping it simple with these 3.

Slight Process Change

Adding the French to English cards at double the rate of the vice versa (so audio only and reading only). Basically being familiar with the easier side of the translation long before seeing the harder generative side (English to French writing). That means there will be a long period where I'm only adding French to English cards for now. That should significantly help with my vocab recognition on the testing side.

So I did this at the very beginning, but I was discouraged because I was telling people my progress and people were asking me to say stuff, but I couldn't (because I'd literally only done listening) 😅. Going back to what I know was the logical way of doing it.

Significant Anki Issue Solved

So I never updated Anki from years ago when I started this (it generally doesn't have significant changes in my defence). Turns out there's a whole new algorithm since 2022 available that's significantly better than the old one. I won't go into the details, but it should basically make the process 20% faster. It also gives me more information on individual card difficulties, which I can then leverage to address those issues better going forward (and retrospectively for the optimised deck).

Thanks for reading.
All feedback is welcome.

submitted by /u/Fun_Yak3615
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