I have 8 weeks, help

My TL is the language of my family. Long story short, I’ve been actively learning and taking classes for about a year and am at a low A2 with speaking and probably higher with receptive just bc I’m used to hearing the language and responding in english.

I’m going to a international conference with a bunch of youth from my community and I have 8 weeks till then. I want to be very intentional about how I learn and study and maximize the 1-2 hours of active study time that I have each day.

Tips? Recommendations? What really pushed you past the A level into the Bs? I want it sooo bad but wanting it isn’t good enough. Need to back it up with systems, routines and consistency.

I’m going to prioritize making my own sentences and speaking with my tutor and family more in the TL bc I get so nervous and often default to responding in english and I don’t want to do that at this conference.

My studying looks like: Morning - 15 to 30 mins of Anki studying (usually, vocabulary or full sentences I want to remember) - listen to my tutoring conversation that I recorded (she only speaks to me in TL so I just practice what I messed up or repeat phrasing since it is a tonal language) - watch a movie in TL or youtube conversation in TL as I’m getting ready (more passive but do this when i’m running late)

Evening - listen to podcast or teaching video in TL, note the words and phrases I don’t know - tryyyyy to come up with my own sentences but this is always really hard for me

^ sometimes i do other things but this is what’s most consistent. I also have my 1 hour tutor convo on verbaling 2-3 times a month

submitted by /u/No_Hedgehog2185
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via Learn Online English Speaking
