So... I have an idea...

So I've decided I want to learn both Spanish and Japanese. I know, one if dar more difficult than the other. But that's beside the point. I want y'alls input on what my plan is for learning a new language. I'm starting with Spanish. I live in the USA and no one in my family speaks Spanish. So going full immersion is simply not possible. Plus my fiancée is still learning ASL and so I don't want to say "Hey, I know you're learning ASL but do you want to learn Spanish with me?"

So here's my plan... I intend to take formal lessons on learning the language in addition to finding and watching children's programs (Think Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse) in Spanish for up to an hour a day. My thinking on this is that, for those of us who are natively English speakers, this was our go-to for learning our first language. So would it not make sense that it could work, with atleast moderate effect, for our second language?

submitted by /u/AlderaanGoBoom77
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
