Does anyone speaking/studying multiple languages have trouble using the correct languages sometimes?

I notice this happens more in languages that I'm less familiar with or haven't used in a while, where all of the sudden if I need to speak it I'll accidentally swap words from other languages. For example, trying to say hello in Arabic ("marhaba") but accidentally accepting a respectful greeting in Swahili ("marahaba").

I've noticed that the words I switch up tend to sound somewhat similar but will have different meanings. Another example, instead of speaking a Swahili phrase beginning with "wana-" (they are) I might accidentally say "wo men" ("we" in Mandarin).

Can anyone relate or does anyone have tips to overcome this and start in/use the correct language more quickly? (Besides "just get more familiar with the language")

submitted by /u/QueensleyShacklebolt
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via Learn Online English Speaking
