Smart use of time

My question: how to decide how to allocate time to each language when studying 2 at the same time? Apologies if this is too long of a post, I'm not so used to posting on Reddit!

I am between B2 and C1 in Finnish (tested C1 in Reading and understanding, B2 in speaking and writing, it is my 4th language) and A1 in Swedish (my 5th).

By september 2024 (10 months) I am aiming at reaching a balanced, solid C1 in Finnish and at least a strong B1 in Swedish (maybe B2 but I'm not sure how realistic that is). How would you advise to divide my study time between both? Would you put the same amount of time for each? Focus more time on the weakest language or on the strongest? Would you do so that you'd do both languages every day or alternate one day/week per language? Any tips or experiences to share?

For context: - I live in Finland and have virtually constant exposure to Finnish, and very often to Swedish. - I am starting a long leave until next year autumn so I will have time to study. I will have between 1.5-2 hours a day for focused self- studying and then I can add some time to maybe have more passive activities (radio, TV, music etc). I also can have some activities during the week that involve Finnish or Swedish (language cafés, meet ups etc). -I'm comfortable studying both at the same time, as I have really different levels and they do not mix up in my head.

Thanks for reading and for your help!

submitted by /u/okey_ish
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