Sharing a program I wrote to split videos up into chunks that can be used in Anki flashcards

Hey, just wanted to share this tool I wrote for my self to see if anyone else might find it helpful.

What it does is it takes a video and splits it up into segments based off sentences and phrases in the audio, saves the audio clips, then creates a text/csv file that can be imported into Anki as flashcards. The flash cards have audio on the front and the transcription and translation on the back. Its python, so you might need some python knowledge to install but it is easy. The readme on the page should have the info.

I think its a nice way to quickly make audio flash cards, which I think are the best way to learn and study but I always avoided because it was to hard and tedious to make them. Now I can take any video in spanish, and turn all the sentences into flash cards to study. I can replay a phrase multiple times and study it with repetition like any other anki cards.

Its built using whisper, spacy and argo for translations. It all runs locally on your computer or laptop. It might be a little slow since the better AI models run a little slow but so far for me it works really well. It should work for any language, but Ive only tried with spanish to english since that's what I am learning my self. You can modify the code to load target languages of your choice, if it works free free to open a PR that supports it too.

Hope it works well if you try it and let me know if you do!

submitted by /u/MatthewTejo
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via Learn Online English Speaking
