My brain won’t stop practicing when I want to relax

This is kind of hard to explain and I realize this is an extremely dumb thing to complain about, especially in this subreddit, but I just want some guidance on if it means I’m getting better or how I can make it stop. I’ve been learning Spanish for a while now and have been at a B1 level for a few months and I can hear myself improving, but this week especially I feel like I just can’t turn my brain off. Everything I do I start translating in my head, and it feels like I’m always practicing when sometimes I just want to relax and do things in English. I was preparing lunch and everything I was doing was being translated to Spanish in my head. My thoughts keep going back and forth in both languages. I know this is probably a good thing but I feel my brain working overdrive and I sometimes just want to relax when I’m not not specifically studying. Has this ever happened to you? At what point does it stop feeling like practice 24/7? I’m glad to see improvement but I feel kind of overstimulated

Edit: Even if I can’t entirely translate my thoughts how I want to, my brain works extra hard to find another way to say it and I’m getting a headache just thinking about everything now

submitted by /u/saturnelles
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
