Is it possible to become truly bilingual as an adult (I'm 23)

So, it's been almost one and a half year since i started learning english (and by that i mean watching english native content i find interesting for about 3-4 hours every day). In the region i live the half of the people are bilingual (their second language is not english though) so i've been asking them what it feels like to understand and be able to speak two languages. And apparently we have some things in common.

I don't have to translate sentences that i hear to understand them (i don't know how it happened, i just stopped doing that at the 4th month of studying for no reason). I can think in english and switch between languages, it's not that easy but it takes less effort as i continue studying. Sometimes after spending too much time watching a TV show I can only have english thoughts so i'm literally forced to translate them into my native language. And yeah, when someone asks me to translate something it's still very difficult even though i fully understand the sentence. Also i have a very small passive vocabulary (about 5000-6000 words compared to 20000 that an average native speaker knows. It's just impossible to learn the words that are rarely used).

So, what do you guys think about it? Have you achieved fluency at your target language?

submitted by /u/Sacledant2
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