How to learn a rare language from a real person?

I am engaged to an Indian who speaks Gujarati. I know this is by no means a super rare language, but it is a rare language for English speakers to study, and hence there are little to no resources for it. I am an experienced language learner, having successfully studied Mandarin to a B2+ level. However, I have no idea how to approach Gujarati without having the same types of resources as I do for Chinese. My fiancé is willing to spend at least an hour a day teaching me his language, yet we still have no idea how to go about it. What approach can we take for him to be able to teach me his language? How do you learn directly from someone? Is there a manual/ list of guidelines made for linguists who go to learn rare unrecorded languages from various tribes? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated, I feel very stuck.

submitted by /u/AffectionateCell58
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