Wondering about burnout or mental fatigue when learning


So as the title states i am curious about learning fatigue and burnout when learning a luanguage. Because i started studying and learning japanese about 15 days ago. Since then i have been learning more about the written more than the Spoken. I would say 20% written and 80% Spoken. Now today i was starting to study. However when i was referencing the letters from the words to do some flash cards i had.... well just nothing. It was like i knew the sound but did not know the letter at all. The past few days ive been taking the studying easier to rest some. But i feel that i am tapped out with fatigue. After 3 to 6 hours a day studying in batches may have been too much.

Do not get me wrong i am loving learning. But i was considering moving my study to maybe practicing writing the letters for now or something as i do not want to stop.

So my question is "Is this normal and what exactly would you call it?"

submitted by /u/Fl4shGuard
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