Tips for Learning an Unpopular Language

For some context, I grew up in the United States to a Croatian immigrant father and and American mother, therefore, from a young age I was exposed to Croatian on a daily basis and due to that I have a basic knowledge of pronunciation, some key vocab and phrases, as well as intonation. That being said, my dad wasn't exactly persistent in speaking to me fully in Croatian from a young age since my mother was unable to speak it as well and having gone to school and focusing exclusively on learning Spanish as I grew older, I lost almost any prior knowledge I had and am looking to learn the language on my own. That being said, unlike Spanish or any other vastly spoken language, there are very sparse resources offered for Croatian, almost no easily accessible comprehensible input (my preferred method), and no apps or free courses that can be easily accessed to at least refresh my memory on the basics. My question boils down to this, for anyone who has learned a very niche/unpopular language; how were you able to do it? It seems that it's difficult for me to even get a foot in the door because of a lack of even the most beginner materials. Are there any platforms I could utilize, any databases with free A1 graded readers or passages? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/AnActualLefty
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