Learned ITA to B1 Level -- Now want to learn Spanish... Study Plan Suggestions?

I studied Italian to (what I'd self assess) a B1 level and I recently went on a trip to Italy. It was awesome, I got to used language a bit in conversations (albeit poorly), and I felt fulfilled by my level of Italian as it currently stands.

But now I've realized that I want to really flex my language muscles by speaking with native speakers more often. It's a lot of fun -- and I really can't do it with Italian because a) I live in the States (6 hours behind CET) and b) I have not come across a ton of Italian speakers since I started learning the language.

I've always had a curiosity with Spanish because of it's widespread usefulness and similarities to Italian. So now I want to pick it up as my next language to study... but I'm wondering what the best way to start is.

Obviously, the grammar and vocabulary are similar enough to where I have a good base level of comprehension on how things work. I'm no longer at the monolingual American, English-brain-only stage where I need to wrap my head around verb conjugations, gendered words, the subjunctive mood, pronunciation techniques... because I've withstood all those trials with Italian.

I guess I'm looking for advice on how to structure my study plan so that it's not starting all the way from the bottom. To give an idea of my comprehension level, I understood about 80% of this video by Linguriosa on the different uses of "ser" and "estar" without the use of any subtitles.

So, TL;DR: If you have ever been at a B1 (or higher) level in a romance language and wanted to learn another, what's the best way to get started? Advanced-beginner level Anki Decks? A verb conjugation workbook? Any particular podcasts? Any recommendations for resources to learn Spanish made for Italian natives would also be greatly welcome (although I realize that's a small market).

Would love to get any ideas, as I'm eager to start but could use some help in forming a study routine.

submitted by /u/Gally341
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