Intermediate Plateau Blues - Tips for Progressing?

Background: I’ve been learning/practicing Portuguese for 3 or 4 years now. I lived in Brazil as an ESL teacher for 2 years, recently moved back to Brazil again and have dated Brazilians who don’t speak English for around 1.5 years (currently live with my Brazilian SO). I only watch TV in Portuguese, I’m reading a book in Portuguese, listen to music and podcasts in Portuguese. I can follow most conversations and am able to communicate fairly well (from what I’ve been told).

However I feel like almost all the new words I learn do not stick, no matter how many times I hear them. When it comes to grammar, there’s still a lot of holes (sometimes I just can’t get the sentence out the way I want to).

Any advice? If you think I should actually spend time “studying,” what do you recommend?

submitted by /u/thematchamaster
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