Am I doing it right?

I am trying to learn french and get a B2 level as fast as I can. I may be at A2 level right now (dont know my exact level)

Anyways, what I am doing is trying to read as much as I can so that I can get as much input as possible. To become able to understand written french. Meanwhile I am also dedicating around 20-30 minutes each day to listening. So i am thinking, once i am able to understand a reasonable level of written french quickly, i will start binging on video content with french subtitles.

Also, i sometimes use the language reactor browser extension to watch a video with both english and french subtitles. My thinking is that it will help with both types of comprehension, reading and listening.

Language reactor helps in reading as well, with side-by-side french and english. Along with google translate. So what i do is I open a Slate or Lemonde article and then just go through it, understanding everything along the way, also using ChatGPT for translations, grammatical explanations and sentence constructions.

Lastly, I am also doing Duolingo along with this. Am nearing the completion of Section 4.

Once I am reasonably good at understanding, i will start focusing more on creation, through speaking and writing.

Another thing that I had in mind was to use google translate to practice writing. So that i would start writing some passage or essay in the french box and google translate would then translate the text to english, meanwhile pointing out my errors, but i think it isnt as good at it as a french grammarly would be

Now, my question is, is anything that i am doing counter-productive? Should i change something? Any further tips would be appreciated. I can dedicate around 2-3 hours a day to this.

submitted by /u/ijhaqqani
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