Seeking Heritage & Integrated Language Learners (HILL) for a quick 5-10 minute online survey.

If you've grown up with a second language or immersed yourself in one due to relationships or relocation, you're a Heritage & Integrated Language Learner (HILL) like me.

Over the last 10 years, I taught myself my heritage (and endangered) language, Circassian. I now speak it fluently with my children and have taught over 1,000 others online for free.

I've also developed a "listen and repeat" app using class content.

Now, I see a broader vision. I believe we HILLs, regardless of the languages we're learning, share common challenges and unmet needs.

I'd like to create a next-generation language learning platform that addresses our unique issues as Heritage & Integrated Language Learners (HILLs).

This is a chance to be heard and shape a tool tailored for heritage and integrated language learners like us.

This survey should only take 5 - 10 minutes.

Thank you for joining our journey and shaping the understanding of our shared experiences.

submitted by /u/Aslanovich1864
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
