Reviewing concepts

I've been taking notes and trying to study various chapters of korea grammar from, but i'm lost in how i should go about practicing them. How can i make sure that i know the points that i wrote down? How much time should i give to the reviewing process? am i supposed to review and learn new topics at the same time? Or do i have to stop, and go back to the start of it to review each chapter one by one, until i stumble on the one i don't remember?

How do i practice so much stuff (for example, the different types of addressing somebody in korean instead of using 당신 ), and make sure that my brain remembers it without feeling overwhelmed?

it just feels like an impossible task, i don't feel like i have the right tools to work through this issue. In the meantime, my only real idea for studying is just bruteforcing it and going one by one, each subject everyday and make sure that i remember, but the longer the list grows, the more time it'll take to study each topic. I'm lost, plz help.

submitted by /u/SnooPeppers8957
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