Recently discovered the prevalence of these YouTube/Tiktok "Polyglot" grifters

It's just nuts how many of these people there are, and it worries me and many of their comment sections are full of people being like "Wow, I think this guy is the one true and honest polyglot on the platform."

And then they proceed to advertise their overpriced language program that claims to teach you a language in 3 months or less. I think the sliminess of these guys is blatantly obvious to most decently adjusted adults, but that just means they're going after the naive and vulnerable and that's pretty disgusting.

So just in case I'll say this: if someone on social media claims to be a polyglot, don't trust them. They are essentially a used car salesman, they're reading stock phrases off a script in the hopes of getting your money.

submitted by /u/ProductofBoredom
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