Not sure if I should start learning or not

Hello everyone. I'm 19 and I always thought it would be cool to at least be bilingual. I'm a native English speaker and I always thought it would be cool to learn Japanese and Korean. Recently, I thought about learning Spanish and/or French but I'm not sure where to start, how to study and I don't really have any reason to learn like if I'm traveling, I just think it would be cool to have another language I can speak. I'm kind of scared to learn then I will forget and then all those times I studies were wasted since I forgot. I don't have anybody that really speaks a different language and I would mostly just be home and that's why I'm a worried about that. I don't have much content that I can watch/listen/read/etc that is in another language. Only thing I can really think of is playing a video game with the language set as the language I'm learning lol. I really like asian culture so japanese/korean could be enjoyable for me (maybe) cause I like the culture but spanish or france I don't really pay attention too much. Also I don’t know where I’d get the teaching from cause I heard some people or sources may teach the language wrong and that’s another thing I’m afraid of is learning it wrong and wasting my time.

submitted by /u/thirtytwentytwo
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via Learn Online English Speaking
