Is Learning a Language Just for Reading and Writing Worth It?

Hey, fellow language enthusiasts!

Disclaimer: Most of my communication is written (both in my native English and Spanish), which is why I'm not overly concerned with speaking. For the record, I do have conversations in Spanish, read aloud, and pray in the language.

I've been pondering a rather unique language-learning goal recently, and I wanted to reach out to this community for some guidance and insights.

I'm considering learning a new language primarily for the purpose of reading and writing in it, rather than aiming for fluency in speaking and listening. I have a few reasons for this, but I'd love to hear from those who may have embarked on a similar journey or have thoughts on the matter.

Here are my motivations:

  1. Access to Literature: I've heard that some of the most beautiful literature is written in languages other than my native tongue, and I don't want to rely solely on translations. I want to experience the original works in all their linguistic glory.
  2. Cultural Connection: I believe that language is a key to understanding a culture more deeply. By being able to read and write in another language, I hope to gain a richer understanding of its history, traditions, and values.
  3. Intellectual Challenge: Learning a new language is always a great mental exercise, and I'm excited about the intellectual challenge it presents. However, I'm more interested in honing my writing and reading skills than focusing on speaking and listening.

So, I have a few questions for you all:

  • Have any of you pursued a similar goal of learning a language primarily for reading and writing? If so, which language did you choose, and what was your experience like?
  • What resources and strategies would you recommend for someone who wants to become proficient in reading and writing a language, even if they're not aiming for conversational fluency?
  • Are there any specific languages you'd recommend for their literary and cultural richness?

submitted by /u/Intelligent-Guest595
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via Learn Online English Speaking
