How to make the most of language learning in college?

Ok here me out.

I am learning Spanish in a U.S. high school. Normally I would plan on doing very difficult Spanish classes in college... but

I have a score of relatives in Italy who basically speak no English and I think it might be cool to be able to speak to them.

However my mom might move to France and end up staying there/retiring there after I leave for college.

Currently I am in AP Spanish (but honestly at my school it's super easy), I know a bit of French from my mother (common present tense stuff + very little preterite), and basically almost no Italian knowledge.

Advice? I think it would be wise to do French/Italian (not sure which though) and practice Spanish at the university's Spanish house/club.

submitted by /u/Normal_Aardvark8779
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
