How Does One Use Listening Resources Most Effectively?

I have always found listening to be the hardest part of language learning, whether it be at school with French and Spanish, or with my target language of Polish. It is one thing to find resources - I have these, primarily from the Easy Languages videos where people are interviewed with English and TL subtitles, as well as from long-form podcasts with Polish transcriptions. However, I am unsure as to how to use these most effectively. I asked a similar question on the Polish learning sub, but I’ve only received recommendations for materials thus far. What I am specifically requiring is guidance on methods of going about listening practice. What is it precisely that you guys do when you sit down to listen to something? For context, I can understand the gist of a sentence when I read it, but when the same sentence is spoken I can’t really make out individual words and extrapolate anything.

submitted by /u/Exact_Bodybuilder_77
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