Folks from other countries living in the US: are you shocked that Americans know your language?

Just curious as to what you all think if someone took time to learn even a little of your language even if they aren’t fluent. At my job I mainly work with people from all over Asia (close to my area’s Chinatown). They’re usually pretty shocked 😯 and they ask how and why I know bits of their language. It makes for an easier interaction and sets them at ease. The coolest part is they will usually take time to teach me more of their language.

I had an older Ukrainian couple come in and I know they understood Russian so I spoke a little and they went from a little cautious about my sales pitch to more open. Also a lot of Chinese come in so I know some basic greetings and questions to ask even if I’m nowhere fluent or even conversational. They usually get a kick out of me attempting even if I’m not perfect lol. That’s the main thing I find is that native speakers laugh (in a good way) and are more relaxed when I speak a bit of their language.

Just curious to see what you all think internally :) I genuinely enjoy learning bits of languages and practicing with native speakers

submitted by /u/Suitable-Link378
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